American Lifeguard Association


Getting back on track after giving birth isn't always easy, but with exercise and good table habits the extra pounds will come off and fitness will return with Lifeguard Classes.

It's no secret that our culture is obsessed with image. With celebrities posting selfies of their gorgeous postpartum bodies, you may be wondering why you don't lose weight so easily. One hint: it's most likely not a matter of genetics and willpower. The difference may be in the personal trainers, nutritionists, and babysitters who allow them to focus on getting their figure back.

But the desire to get in shape goes beyond pure vanity. What most women are looking for is to recover their figure and also take care of their health, which in this case means returning to their pre-pregnancy weight within a reasonable time. The goal is to lose weight gradually and safely by practicing healthy habits that you can maintain long-term.

Swimming is a good help, since it involves a cardiovascular exercise capable of burning calories, activating the metabolism and toning all the large muscle groups. Due to the density of water, each movement involves a resistance exercise that shapes, tones, and at the same time helps to gain pure muscle without an atom of fat.


The number of calories you burn while swimming varies greatly depending on factors such as weight, swimming style, and exercise intensity, but it's typically somewhere between 400 calories per hour if you don't push yourself too hard, and up to twice that if you push yourself too hard. it's intense. To lose a kilo you need to burn about 7000 calories more than you eat. You don't want to lose extra weight too quickly, especially if you're breastfeeding, but losing a pound or a pound a week doesn't affect the quantity or quality of your milk. The ideal workout, once your doctor gives you the go-ahead to get in the pool [link to the previous post on postpartum swimming], should last between 30 and 60 minutes with American Lifeguard Association Miami.

Exercise is important to regain your pre-pregnancy weight and fitness, but there are other things you can do to speed up the process:

– Make eating healthy a priority. You can reduce your calorie intake, but don't resort to extreme dieting. Practice a healthy and balanced diet. Allow yourself a treat from time to time. If you feel under pressure all the time, it will be more difficult for you to maintain the effort in the long term. Minimize temptation by having pieces of fruit or nuts on hand to snack on when hunger strikes.

– Drink mostly water.The calories in sugary drinks do not produce a feeling of satiety but they add up just like the others. Replacing them with water is less of a sacrifice than eating less, and sugary drinks contain a lot of empty calories, or calories depleted of nutrients, that don't do your body any good anyway.

-Breastfeed. Although weight loss is not the main reason for making the decision, breastfeeding burns between 300 and 500 calories a day.

– Add as much movement as you can to your daily tasks. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, walk whenever you can (or at least park a block away from where you usually go to work), play with the dog or with your older children. Every little effort counts! 

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