American Lifeguard Association


 You choose it from the rest because of its distinguished pattern and other features that the others do not have with the Lifeguard course near me, but now, look at it, dull, lifeless, and without hope of accompanying you on your daily swims. I'm not talking about your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend, but about an article of clothing that no swimmer can do without the swimsuit.

History repeats itself and you buy another swimsuit for its beautiful colors and fluorescent texture but, inevitably, after a few months and due to lack of care on your part, you find yourself with another depressing and unappetizing swimsuit.

Hopefully, by following these three simple but extremely helpful tips, you can keep your swimsuit from wearing out, making it last longer and ensuring that the fabric and fibers remain intact.

#1 Rinse your swimsuit as soon as you're done swimming

Chlorine can bleach our hair, leave our skin dry, and cause the colors in our swimsuits to fade. To prevent this, it is extremely important to minimize the amount of time your swimsuit is in chlorinated water. Therefore the first thing after leaving the pool is to rinse it using plenty of fresh water.

Nº 2 Use neutral soap

The washing machine is the enemy of your swimsuit, because some specific soaps used for this type of washing are too aggressive and can also ruin the fibers with the spin. Opt for a neutral soap to use in small amounts to complete the chlorine removal process.

No. 3 Do not roll up the swimsuit

After washing the swimsuit, you need to dry it; never leave a wet swimsuit in the swim bag! Forget about the dryer, your swimsuit needs to dry naturally, preferably in a horizontal or vertical position but without rolling or wrinkling it and without leaving it in full direct light with American Lifeguard Association Miami.

These simple tips and rules won't make your swimsuit last forever, but it will stop its colors from fading so quickly, and above all, it will keep its elasticity for longer.

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