American Lifeguard Association


 It may seem daunting, getting back in shape after New Year's with all the resolutions you're going to make. Short, consistent exercises are the best way to get into a routine because they are easy to maintain and produce the best physical results. Swimming 45 minutes, 2-4 times a week, increases your heart rate and activates your circulation, both of which are necessary for maintaining proper health with Lifeguard Certification.

Here is my program to help start the New Year's swimming exercises:

300 warm

-up 12 lengths: work your heart rate up to an aerobic pace, switch strokes and help with stretching.

200 kicks

8 lengths: relaxes the hips, knees and ankles, allows the joints to flex and bend. Kicks are usually the least favorite exercises but they improve your hips and thighs so include it.

100 head 

4 lengths: Head exercises, reference in my head exercises video . Our shoulders and neck stiffen, so this side-to-side motion opens up our rotators, preparing you for arm work.

300 Combined 

3 lengths in each stroke: 1 exercise length, 2 swimming lengths. Try various arm movements. With butterfly you use your arms more, on the back, it's your legs, in breaststroke the emphasis is on the glide and in freestyle the work is on your chest.

200 Medley

2 lengths in each stroke: Switching strokes creates a threshold of high-resistance work, where your muscles have to pivot between various movements.

100 Medley 

1 length of each: swim clean strokes. Never forget that the form is the most important thing.

300 Freestyle

12 continuous lengths: Focus on mindful deep breathing. These 5-3 continuous minutes should be at a medium pace.

200 Freestyle 

8 Lengths - Stay steady, don't stop or take a break for all 12 lengths.

100 Freestyle

4 Lengths – Freestyle requires a wide rotation, moving your hips from side to side, and swimming from your core.


Dive 4 lengths: dive with or without fins – the maximum length of each length must be done while diving. Relax your body and mind in this exercise. Rest 30 seconds between each length.

100 simple

4 lengths: Return to your balance. Never leave the pool without calming down and ending in peace. Don't neglect a few earned moments of rest.

Note to beginners: the exercises above are based on a 25-meter pool (approximately 25 yards).

45 minutes of swimming is the equivalent of burning approximately 400 calories. This is, of course, a generalization and varies from person to person, but swimming typically activates the entire body and is one of the best forms of exercise for both weight control and good health with American Lifeguard Association Miami.

I hope that these short but effective exercises create a healthy association with the post-exercise euphoria, causing you to come back for more. Keep your routine short and sweet in the New Year.

Extra tips: Drink water regularly. Normally we all fall short of the suggested daily water intake. Stay hydrated, especially after exercises.

Stretching before and after swimming is always good, even if it's only for two minutes. Find time to do your 5 favorite stretches.

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